Used, Vintage & Consigned
Lining our showcases and walls are over 100 different amplifier options. We carry acoustic, electric, and bass amps, as well as mini 1-watt battery powered amplifiers, plug-in headphone amps and more. We even have an entire room dedicated to amps! From new and used stock, we should have something to power your sound.
Used Amplifier & Speaker Cabinet Inventory:
Note: New Amps & Cabs are also in stock, we have them listed here
Used Guitar Amplifier Combos:
Cornford Hurricane 1x12” Combo, 20 Watts, all tube, spring reverb, w/footswitch $1,200
Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue w/footswitch & cover $650
Fender G-Dec 30, includes foot switch $150
Fender Harvard Reverb $195
Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb, w/footswitch & cover $850
2007 Mesa Stiletto Ace, green tolex w/dark cream basketweave grill cloth, w/original footswitch, cover, and manual $995
Roland Blues Cube Hot w/cover $425
ZT Amplifiers Lunchbox LBG2, 200 Watts, 1x6.5” speaker $275
Used Guitar Amplifier Heads:
3rd Power Citizen-Gain Reverb SR 40-Watt, tube-powered (2xEL34 & 4x12AX7), made in USA, w/footswitch $1,895
2005 Ibanez Thermion TN120 120-Watt, tube-powered $795
Used Guitar Speaker Cabinets:
2005 Ibanez Thermion TN412S w/4×12″ Celestion Vintage 30 speakers $450
PRS MT15 1x12” Speaker Cabinet $375
Used Acoustic Guitar Amps & PA’s:
2006 Fender Acoustasonic Jr. DSP, w/cover $225
Fishman Loudbox Micro $195
Used Bass Amplifiers & Speaker Cabinets:
Ashdown Klystron Neo 210T speaker cabinet, 500 watts @ 8 ohms, made in UK, includes padded cover $895
Orange Crush Bass 50 $275
Used Pedal-Sized Amplifiers:
Electro-Harmonix 44 Magnum Power Amplifier $125
Used Mini/Pocket Amps:
Out of stock
Used Footswitches:
Out of stock
Note: All amplifiers and speaker cabinets listed above are USED. We also stock NEW amplifiers and speaker cabinets in greater quantities than our used products. Please visit our new amplifiers page.
Information current as of March 27, 2025